Fatigue has become ubiquitous, but each individual's fatigue has it's own unique set of underlying causes.
Unless we treat the root of the problem rather than chasing symptoms, returning to abundant energy will continue to be elusive. For many, fatigue manifests as a variety of symptoms, including:
- Memory loss
- Poor concentration
- Muscle pain and muscle fatigue
- Headaches and migraines
- Moodiness and irritability (it’s hard to be happy when you are so tired!!)
- Inability to exercise or taking days to recover
- Stressed and overwhelmed by even simple tasks Low motivation
I often see people who are chronically tired, even experiencing extreme fatigue, yet conventional blood work comes back “fine.” For many, this results in being prescribed anti-depressants. These medications fail to address the underlying cause and often make matters worse.
By using functional lab work, hidden causes are uncovered which can be corrected. Common causes of fatigue found with appropriate lab work include:
- Adrenal/HPA Axis dysfunction
- Low/burned out catecholamines
- Mitochondrial dysfunction
- Poor digestive function
- GI infections
- High toxic burden
- Blood sugar imbalance/insulin resistance
- Nutrient deficiencies
Rather than guessing what might be the cause of your fatigue, I prefer to run labs and create individualized treatment programs based on your unique areas of breakdown because this provides the best and most lasting results.
Book a free 15-minute consult with our nutritionist Caitlin Murphy.